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@allusivebox/bootstrap - v2.0.0


npm (scoped) install size


Hello, and welcome to a bootstrap package of code that I've written, for stuff I plan on writing, or fleshing out, or not. This is my attempt at getting more familiar with npm packages, getting one under my belt, while also packaging up some code I'm writing for a personal project that I'd like to be able to re-use in other projects down the line. This is free to use, though if you are using it, I'd like to know why, more out of curiosity than any real reason.

Getting Started

Use of this package should be pretty straightforward. Just install the package using npm.

npm i @allusivebox/bootstrap

Once installed, you should be good to go.

What's included?

There are a number of files included in this package, and these items could likely be broken out into more specific packages, but for the sake of my first package, I've included them all here, for now. As of the current version, this package contains a number of models, services, types, and utility classes. For detailed information on the contents of this package, check out the documentation.


If you want to contribute, although I have no idea as to why you'd want too, the best way to reach out and discuss contributions is by discord, or by checking if there are any open issues in the GitHub repo. I try and be responsive as I am able, but sometimes it can take me a while to reply, depending on how busy I am with other things.

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